The Parliamentary Elections Act 1954 (PEA) was amended to update and enhance our electoral processes in 2023. To operationalise these amendments, the Subsidiary Legislation under the PEA has also been revised and will come into effect on 14 Jun 2024. The Elections Department will be updating the contents of this page.

The expanded digital services for candidates and their election agents to transact more conveniently with the Elections Department (ELD) will be available for use upon the issue of the Writ of Election. After close of nomination proceedings, only nominated candidates and their election agents can use the services for transactions between Nomination Day (from 2pm) to after Polling Day.

Candidates and their election agents are strongly encouraged to use ELD’s digital services. Login using SingPass 2FA is required to access the digital services. Those who prefer to submit forms in hard copy can do so. They can download and print the forms from our website.

The full list of expanded digital services is below, click the hyperlinks to view screenshots for each service.

After Writ to before Nomination Day

Nomination Day to Polling Day

After Polling Day